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Alumni Testimonials

  • Consultants of this recruitment company have valuable knowledge to process the application for admission to get the visa. They trained me to clear the test and interview for the admission and visa too. I am very satisfied with their services and support so I recommend GGE for all students who planning to study in UK and any other country.

  • Consultants of this recruitment company have valuable knowledge to process the application for admission to get the visa. They trained me to clear the test and interview for the admission and visa too. I am very satisfied with their services and support so I recommend GGE for all students who planning to study in UK and any other country.

  • Consultants of Global Group of Education are very experts and they have updated knowledge to process the application to study in UK. They helped me a lot to choose the right course according to my previous qualifications.

  • GGE counsellors were very helpful to process the admission application for study abroad. They guided me on all the procedures of my admission and visa application to be successful.

  • Extremely satisfied with the service provided by the Global Group of Education. A perfect international student agency, they are really trustworthy and have an excellent response time. They had done a great job in getting my Tier 4 General Visa for study in the UK. I recommend the Global group of Eduction to all those students who want to study in the UK and needs help and consultation.

  • The team of a Global Group of Education in the United Kingdom is highly qualified which provides the best online counseling services. They are an honest, reliable consultancy company to meet the needs of every person. I am very thankful to them for helping me in getting a Tier 4 General Visa. If someone wants the best online services Global Group of Education Limited is highly recommended.

  • The supportive team of the Global Group of Education helped me to feel more confident about approaching new challenges. They provide me with the best online services and help me to get my Tier 4 General Visa without IELTS and Test. The staff are highly skilled and trained and helped me through my studies and many other decisions in a very excellent way. I always found them cooperative, honest, and supportive. Thank you!

  • I am very grateful to the Global Group of Education and its team for its dedication and commitment towards facilitating me and my wife for getting a visa for the UK. The whole process was done smoothly. I am fully satisfied with the quality of services they provided through the complete process of admission and visa. 

  • I am Mian Waqar and got my Tier 4 Study Visa through Global Group of Education Limited. I am very grateful to them for their cooperation from start to end. They are very professional at their work and they informed everything beforehand and made sure everything was done at the right time. Their advice has been very helpful in getting my admission to the UK. Thank you global group of education

  • Hellow,My Name is Muhammad Sarmad Anwar.I am from Gujrat Pakistan. I got my offer letter from Coventry university Uk from the Global Group of Education London after that they helped me with my CAS, visa application, and appointment. They also guide me in my preparation for Visa Interview. From my experience, their services are very swift, Cooperative, and Friendly. Overall I have a very good experience with them. I recommend You to contact the Global group of education for Study Abroad.
